The plant grows quickly and are long lived.They thrive in almost any type of soil ,will grow in sun or shade ,and are rarely troubled by insect pest or disease . Daylilies are known for toughness , but they also dazzle
with their big, colorful flowers. Blooming starts in midsummer and continues into early fall, with new blossoms opening each day.

Custard Candy
Stunning blooms that have cream-colored petals with a delicately ruffled, gilted edge , and distinctive maroon-red eye highlighting a contrasting yellow-green throat.
A Sweet profusion of early to midsummer blooms, followed by a second flush in late summer.

Little Grapette
A favorite flowing perennial prized for its compact clumps os slender, green, grass-like leaves that are highlighted by charming , deep lavender-purple flowers on tall stems. Plant en masse for a stunning early summer show. An excellent choice to enhance border fronts and containers.

Rocket City
Is an eye-catching early midseason Daylily which produces blooms of bittersweet orange trumpets with a contrasting burnt-orange eyesore. Both petals and sepals are delicately recurved.

An eye-catching reblooming Daylily, award-winner produces profuse pale lavender-pink flowers with large, dark purple eyezones
contrasting with their green throats, over an extremely long blooming period.
Thriving in full son or part shade .

Joan Senior
One of the most popular near white ever created, is an elegant early midseason daylily which produces an abundance of large creamy white flowers.Ofter called the perfect perennial because of its numerous
qualities ; showy flowers, drought tolerance, heat stress immunity, ability to grow in most hardiness zones and low care requirements, this Daylily is a remarkable and stunning addition to the garden.

Rosie Meyer
Grows best with some shading, but can grow in full sun.In Shadier places, the colors are more vivid, and the
plant reblooms more.